テディワールド Uncategorized How to get a lot more pitbulls adopted

How to get a lot more pitbulls adopted

19 ideas to get a lot more pitbull dogs adopted

I attended a presentation called “Turbocharging pitbull adoptions” by Kim Wolf at the 2012 No-Kill Conference. Kim worked for animal farm foundation at the time.

Kim shared the following ideas in her talk, but this list is not intended to be an outline of that presentation. These are 19 isolated ideas I walked away with:

1. acknowledge there is no clear definition of a “pitbull.”

When you market pitbulls, keep in mind everyone has her own definition of a pitbull, Kim said. The word used to be a nickname for the American pit bull terrier, but today it is a label that indicates something different to each individual.

“A ‘pit bull’ is not a breed or breed mix, but an ever expanding group that includes whatever an animal control officer, shelter worker, pet dog trainer, politician, pet dog owner, police officer or newspaper says it is,” according to AFF’s web site.

2. focus on the dog’s behavior, not her appearance.

Some potential adopters will turn away from dogs with a “pitbull” label, Kim said. So, focus on the dog’s personality, energy level and friendliness with other animals.

Example: Daisy loves to play ball! She is good with cats, low energy and loves to snuggle! Daisy would also love to have a pet dog sister or pet dog brother to play with.

3. turn down the “irresponsible public” myth.

This was my favorite part of Kim’s presentation, because it is so near and dear to my heart: Shelters have to start trusting the public to adopt.

We need to stop accepting the irresponsible public myth as a reason why we can’t send dogs home, Kim said. This is especially true when it pertains to pitbull dogs. Shelters try to secure pitbulls from abuse such as pet dog battling by making it extra tough for people to adopt them.

Instead, we need to “stop regurgitating the myth that pet dog battling is an epidemic,” Kim said. When we tell our communities that pet dog battling is everywhere, it makes pitbulls sound very scary. This is unfair to the public and to the dogs.

Yes, pet dog battling exists, Kim said. It just doesn’t happen as typically as we might think.

“To take it too far – to be too protective – we are actually denying dogs opportunities to go home,” she said. “And we’re not fulfilling our missions when we do that.”

4. scars or cropped ears tell you nothing about a dog.

If a pet dog has scars on her face, it does not indicate she was a battling pet dog or a bait dog, Kim said. It does not indicate she was abused. It does not indicate she got into a fight with another animal. Dogs get scars for all kinds of reasons, typically from being clumsy!

Likewise, if a pet dog has cropped ears it does not indicate he was a battling pet dog or a protection dog, Kim said. It does not indicate he was treated poorly. All kinds of owners have their dogs’ ears cropped, normally for a fashion statement or for health reasons. The shape of a dog’s ears tells you nothing about his behavior.

5. stop spreading pitbull myths!

Sometimes shelter volunteers spread myths about pitbulls in an attempt to help the dogs, but instead these myths tell the public that pitbulls are different, Kim said.

Ever caught yourself spreading any of these myths?

“It’s how they are raised.”

“Too lots of irresponsible pitbull owners.”

“The a lot of abused dogs on the planet.”

“They were bred for fighting.”

“Pitbulls can be terrific family pets in the ideal hands.”

“She has that classic, pitbull personality.”

“Pitbulls will do anything to please their owners.”

“Shelters are flooded with unwanted pitbulls.”

6. Do not place additional adoption criteria on pitbull adopters.

Breed certain legislation does not work on a political level, Kim said. So why would it work for adoptions? placing additional criteria on pitbull adopters is discriminatory.


Place additional screening processes on pitbull adopters

Charge higher adoption fees for pitulls

Require “past experience” with the “breed”

Exclude first-time pet dog owners from adopting pitbulls

Require additional training for volunteers to walk the pitbulls

Require mandatory obedience training only for pitbull adopters

7. Do not segregate the pitbulls from other dogs at your shelter.

Some shelters will have an area for the pitbulls and another area for the rest of the dogs, Kim said. What kind of message does this send to potential adopters?

8. Do not conduct home visits or background checks on adopters.

Home checks and background checks can alienate adopters and give off a negative vibe, according to AFF’s web site. Instead, consider less formal, home-based meet and greets or “home deliveries.”

This is what I make with a lot of of my foster animals! It works wエル! 「ホーム訪問」はあまりフォーマルではなく、動物はおなじみの顔が彼女を新しい家に運ぶのがはるかに快適に感じています。















パレード、フェスティバル、その他の既存のイベントなど、チャンスがあれば、ピットブルをコミュニティに持ち込みます、とキムは言いました。または、忙しいエリアを散歩して犬を連れて行ってください。 「養子縁組」のベストや襟、サービスカードを持参することを忘れないでください。














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